Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Priorities and Twitter

"At some point you start seeing the difference between what you really want, and what is your priority order. I feel that today I know what I want. That's the problem with perspective, as well as focus and concentration." - Nick Cave

Judging by the frequency of my posting here over past month or so it would appear that I have experienced another dry-spell as far as this blog is concerned. That wouldn't be an accurate portrait of my creative output. I have not experienced anything remotely resembling writer's block. Far from it. I have been just bursting with ideas.

I have though, been suffering from poor time management skills, poor discipline and a lack of focus. I have been enjoying myself, learning and getting to know new people and new "stuff".

Performance issues with my my phone haven't helped. Neither does all the rain, since I like to do allot of my writing on the go. Which is difficult during Vancouver's rainy season.

The real culprits when it comes to accounting for all my disappearing time are FaceBook - and my new Twitter account. I've finally left behind the twitless masses and joined a mass of twits. At first I didn't really see what the big deal was. But it didn't take long for me to figure it out. It's all fairly simple and the overall Twitter experience is much easier than FaceBook to get the hang of.

Twitter was easy for me to get into it so quickly was because I knew what I wanted to do with it. Which was basically to promote the MashPit. The MashPit is for me a kind of experiment / laboratory. And marketing is something I've decided to include in the mix. Nothing serious, I won't cry if I fail to reach my objectives but I do intend to enjoy the experience.

"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." - H. L. Hunt

A big reason that I have been neglecting the field is because I have been devoting allot more of my time and energy to the MashPit. Which is how I explain spending a couple (at the very least!) hours a day just kicking back and surfing YouTube for the bestest mashups to share with everyone who will let me.

I have decided to set a goal for myself to make it all more fun and challenging. Which is to somehow get 1 000 000 total hits by the end of 2011. I doubt it will be easy, but I believe it is possible. I have limited experience in this kind of project so I look forward to learning lots of cool stuff.

Now that I've wasted enough time learning how to waste even more of it on Twitter, it's time to get down to brass tax. I really do need to apply more focus and prioritize my computer time more effectively. I've got a few more essays in the pipeline and I hope to be fairly productive over the holidays. In the mean time I can always be found on FaceBook and now on Twitter @FerenczyRam  Both links can be found on the side bar (or will be soon).

My mistake - what I need to correct - was that I would read my email first, which was made even worse lately because now I check Twitter before my email! And as I find more and more interesting twitters to follow it's time consumption also grows.

At this point I now think that I should leave the intake for the the latter portion of the day. I am going to apply the system Joseph Campbell used in his self-studies. The way he segmented his time throughout the day and week. I will do my writing during the afternoon, and then if I feel like stopping then I will do my correspondence, facebook and then Twitter. I'll give it a try anyways.

"Don't be a time manager, be a priority manager. Cut your major goals into bite-sized pieces. Each small priority or requirement on the way to ultimate goal become a mini goal in itself." - Denis Waitley

http://ferenczyram.blogspot.com - my personal blog
http://ferenczypre.blogspot.com/ - webOS & Palm
http://ferenczymu.blogspot.com/ - youtube mashups

-- Sent from my palm Pre

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