Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Focus Determination

"Aim at the sun and you may not reach it; but your arrow will fly far higher than if you had aimed at an object on a level with yourself." — F. Hawes

It seems I have been drifting a bit lately. Focus has been a challenge to maintain. Sometimes it seems like my drive and direction is unstoppable and extremely focused. At other times it is weak and all over the place. Why this is so can be difficult to determine. I have found that the best method for finding a workable solution is to determine the problem first, then to shift my focus towards finding a solution.

focus - n. a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity; v. to concentrate: origin L: fireplace, hearth

"Often he who does too much does too little." — Italian Proverb

After a couple months of intense focus on my recovery and spiritual growth during which time I made considerable and very noticeable (and easily quantifiable) progress, my momentum seems to have slowed to a crawl, if not actual regression. After some reflection and some honest self-assessment and observation I have determined that there are a number of reasons for this lack of (perceived) positive growth.

determine - come to a decision or resolution; decide. to conclude or ascertain, as after reasoning, observation,etc. to give direction or tendency to; impel. to lead or bring (a person) to a decision. origin - to bound, limit;

Foremost would be spreading my self out too thin. Without clearly defined and focused targets, it can be hard to hit the mark. Especially when the goals are too numerous to keep in mind. It has been my experience that I have the greatest success in achieving my heart's desire when I work towards one goal at a time. The more driven I am towards a goal, the more successful I am and excluding outside distractions, the higher my success rate.

distraction - that which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration:
distract - to draw away or divert, as the mind or attention: origin - to draw apart.

"Concentration is the ability to think about absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary." — Ray Knight

When working towards multiple goals, I have found it beneficial to prioritize them and determine the most effective order to accomplish them. This keeps my attention, thoughts and energy concentrated (focused) on the task at hand. Multi-tasking is something I am not nearly as productive at as I often like to believe. I need to remember and accept this fact. Occasional reminders are good for me, as long as I learn the lessons presented to me.

concentration - exclusive attention to one object; close mental application.

"Only when your consciousness is totally focused on the moment you are in can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer." — Barbara De Angelis

I have found that the most serious consequence of spreading myself so thin, working towards too many objectives, is the way that I am drawn out of the present. In some ways having too many goals (at once without being prioritized) can be as detrimental has having none and drifting aimlessly. We refer to this as lacking ambition, purpose or direction. Having too many goals we call "all over the map".Targets are essential, but so is realizing I can only hit one at at time. Unless I line them up really well, but that's another issue.

determination - ascertainment, as after observation or investigation: the information ascertained; solution. the quality of being resolute; firmness of purpose.

ascertain - to find out definitely; learn with certainty or assurance; determine:

Back to my problem. How do I maintain my focus? I know what I require in a solution. The solution I need is one which will empower me to more firmly maintain my focus in accomplishing those goals that I set for myself. I need to maintain constant effort in achieving my goal, of reaching my full potential and getting the most out of the destiny that I have been given.

resolute - firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion. characterized by firmness and determination, as the temper,spirit, actions, etc.

maintain - to keep in an appropriate condition, operation, or force;keep unimpaired: to sustain or support: origin - to hold in hand
maintenance - care or upkeep

The goal then is to ascertain just what it is I desire to accomplish, what I would like to do. My determination would be both the goal(s) or "dreams" that I wish to achieve in my life as well as the drive that pushes and maintains my willingness and ability to do so. My dreams are not something that I will one day have or do with no more effort required afterwards.

attention - notice or awareness: observant care; consideration: a concentration of the mind on a single object or thought, esp. one preferentially selected from a complex, with a view to limiting or clarifying receptivity by narrowing the range of stimuli: a capacity to maintain selective or sustained concentration.

Very close attention has to be focused on my thoughts and actions at all time if I hope to have any truly meaningful growth. What i have come to understand as mindfulness. I still haven't learned to stop struggling with my thoughts and instead just observe and be attentive. This skill is my most important objective. With it I think I more effective determine future paths and strategies.

"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets." — Nido Qubeina

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