Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Magic Word

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sometimes we find ourselves wishing that magic was real. I think a big reason we don't believe in it is because of an association the word has for many of us with evil and show biz. But magic doesn't have to have anything to do with evil forces or entertainment. I look around me and I see a world full of magic.

"Being clean and working this step, we are released from our chains. However, none of the steps work by magic." The Basic Text Of Narcotics Anonymous - How it Works, Step 1

This particular line (the second line, about magic) has always irritated me. As an addict, I am a great one for manipulating the truth. Or finding loopholes. Or just general nit-picking. As far as not working by magic? I beg to differ. I think it does (sort of) work by magic. And that is a good thing, IMHO. Let me explain.

magic - the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of various techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature; any extraordinary or mystical influence

supernatural - Of or relating to the immediate exercise of divine power; miraculous.

The only real sticking point for me here is the idea of human control over supernatural agencies. But really, even in the classic sense of magic, I don't think that true "control" is assured. Classic mythology is filled with tales about the consequences that result from humans thinking they can "control" supernatural agencies. I rather prefer the second definition, "mystical influence". In that sense the the twelve steps can said to work by magic. We make a decision to "turn it over" and let God help us. Sounds allot like magic to me. Lucky for me I don't have to let anyone else tell what to believe. This is true for all of us.

I do think of my higher power as being supernatural, extraordinary and mystical. I definitely have no real rational or logical explanation of how I was able to change my life so drastically. Or the Miracle of my sobriety. Sounds supernatural to me ;)

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