Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life At Work

It was a strange day. Synchronicities abounded. Just little things, but it seems like I am getting better at going with the flow. I am a believer in the idea that the Universe will present me with greater challenges as my abilities grow. Today was one of those days.

I really like my job. I am not sure why. The reasons are really not that important. One though would be that I feel that I make a difference. I am the trail-blazer (guinea pig) in a new peer-driven program in the inner-city of Vancouver (DTES) meant to help the people here take control of our lives and to play a more important, active and productive role within the community. One day I may write more on this "program", but that is not what this is about.

I work the front-desk of an apartment building (SRO). My main duty is to keep it a safe environment to live in for the tenants. Even though the Police are called to the building every few days, in the last four months I myself have never needed to call them. Until yesterday.

I get along very well with everyone involved. The tenants all love me, and the same is true of other staff as well as management and others within the organization. Everyone is at least vaguely familair with my story, and where I was at only a year or two ago. I've been there, done that. I'm one of them. All groups include me in their version of "us". I am very reasonable qnd flexible. Rules are more like guidelines for me. It helps that I work days so I have many less rules to enforce. But when trouble does show up, which it does, I've always been able to handle it myself, talk sense into people (or at least convince them to leave).

When someone is slipping into a depressed psychotic state, and decides torun off and off themself, then that can be difficult to deal with. I had to call Police and Emergency Mental Health Services. He's been gone for two nights now. I hope he is ok.

I am praying for you buddy. I know he has an intake at detox this morning, I hope it isn't too late. - my personal blog - webOS & Palm - youtube mashups

-- Sent from my palm Pre

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