Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Manifesting Chaos

"All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure."  - Mark Twain

Reality is a tricky concept. There are many appropriate adjectives. One that I don't often hear is malleable. I believe that my thoughts have a strong influence on the world around me and over time actually manifest into reality. I am not referring to some sort of magical ability to make things appear or happen without doing the necessary work. Not really. The thoughts I think play a huge role in what actually happens to me.

Consciously directing what I manifest is not a skill I have a fine level of control over. I have almost none really. Or about the same level that I have over my thoughts. I believe we all manifest our thoughts into the (consciousness based) reality that we all share. For most people, their level of control is so poor that they believe they have no (mental/psychic) influence on reality at all!

All of our thoughts will eventually manifest if they are not replaced by other thoughts. This is why fears can be so dangerous (and hatreds). If they get stuck in your mind long enough they will come true. Which can be allot of suffering to go through just because I don't know any better (both from manifesting plus while holding onto them).

A great site that talks allot about how we manifest our reality together from the psyche - from a Jungian persective.

Just how do I go about bending reality to my will? Some might say that first I must be willful. That I must be in full possession of my will. I would not disagree. But that still doesn't help right now since taking my will is the work of many years - if not a lifetime (or more). In the mean time life gets more complicated when I don't keep myself under control.

Mindfulness is the first step in minimizing the consequences of when my thoughts manifest. The best tool for learning how to live with myself (and eventually others as well). This is the only way to be able to know just what my thoughts are without believing I am my thoughts. I can then actually witness the results of my thoughts. For the most part I am now able to catch myself before "bad" thoughts escape and cause "bad shit" to happen. And sometimes not. Sometimes I have a role to play in somebody else's story. As I gain more awareness and acceptance of how powerful my thoughts are (and how chaos they can cause) the more effort I become willing to expend in controlling their impact.

I have learned that no matter what it is I desire, what I end up getting always costs me more than I originally intended to pay. Expecting to pay nothing makes everything allot more difficult since nothing is for nothing. If I desire something form my own gain or pleasure, or some kind of control (or defeat, revenge or suffering) over another, the price to my self comes in much higher with many unforseen consequences. Only by pursuing selfless goals do I avoid biting myself on the ass.

I just try to be very careful, and ask only for what I will need to be of more use. I stopped being more specific than that long ago. The universe is much more creative than I, plus I prefer to be surprised. With no conditions or expectations I come out so much better.

I do not really think long about what I should work towards. Come up with different goals and the try estimate which I have the best chances of accomplishing. For my self there is no estimating. Estimating is just deciding where I wish to place my limits. I find limits to be too limiting so I prefer not having any. Vague generalities are best. Specific expectations are not. The less expectations the better. None is ideal.

The hardest part about being mindful is not judging my thoughts (or anything else for that matter). I am too fallible and rarely as effective at it as I sometimes believe. For one thing I am no longer being mindful if I am judging. And it does nothing useful. I have no power to do anything with the judgement. Whether I judge a thought good or bad I can still do nothing with or to the thought other than let it go or hold onto it. All thoughts are meant to be free. None should be held.

When it comes to judging a desire I wish to manifest as being good or bad I am fooling myself into thinking I can predict/control the future. I cannot. No matter what I do things will happen that surprise me. I choose to be pleased by surprises. The Universe (or God if you prefer) seems to provide all the right eperiences I require if a allow it to. My own plans and desires just interfere and inevitably lead to more struggles. That's what I have found to be true for myself at least.
As far as manifesting goes, it happens no matter what I do, I don't "have" to do anything. It helps to be mindful and to watch my desires. "Be careful what you wish for..." The unintended consequences are usually surprising and often less pleasant than I would prefer.

"No matter what you do it will be insignificant. It is important that you do it anyways." - Gandhi - a related essay I wrote awhile back. - my personal blog - webOS & Palm - youtube mashups

-- Sent from my palm Pre

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