Monday, September 13, 2010

Coincidental Optimist

It is such a complex matter we live within, it is impossible to track logic and decision making really, so therefore each choice can actually only be seen as coincidence. - Alva Noto 

My motto in life has for a long time been "if you believe it, it's true!" Since I believe it, it is in fact true. Since that is the lense through which I see the world, I am continuously witnessing more evidence to support my belief. I really think being anything other than optimistic as being stupid (sorry all you pessimists, but since I believe you are stupid it is therefore true - to me). Unless you happen to be quite lazy. In that case being pessimistic is just being realistic in evaluating your chances of getting anything done without actually getting off your ass.

If you believe it can be done, and you are willing to do what it takes, anything is possible. If you believe it impossible (or that you will) than it is likely true (and you probably will).

The significance of synchronicity is it's "commonality" as Daniel called it. What is the commonality between different events or phenomena that causes me to label it coincidental? That linkage comes from my own perception, from my mind.

Life is packed full of the incredible, the amazing and fantastic. We are continuously immersed in the miraculous and the impossible. All of this extraordinariness is so prevalent as to be common. It is so common it has become invisible as our awareness get's duller and more self-centered. We do not even perceive it. It does not enter our awareness. But every now and then something really leaps out at us and we have no choice but to notice.

This is where meaning can be found. I find it a useful exercise to always list three "miracles" that happened for me that day. Occurances that are totally random and were the results of absolutely unforseeable circumstances. For example: running into an old friend in a busy transit station. Something like that could have so easily not happened had either of you done only one thing different.

Not all of the synchronicities in our life are quite so blatant. Regardless, what is important is that they grab are attention, and are acknowledged by us as special. To me "going with the flow" (my other motto in life) is all about looking for meaning, and letting each meaningful moment guide me to the next. This essay is a perfect example.

I am not saying coincidences prove anything. But they do provide for an excellent opportunity to discover new insights into our own nature. They provide great context and meaning for my life. A meaningless life is depressing and no fun. A life of meaning is one of following your bliss, and as much fun as you could wish (and sometimes more).

I doubt it is possible for pessimists to really accept or grasp the power of synchronicity. Coincidence?

Every single moment is a coincidence. - Doug Coupland - my personal blog - webOS & Palm - youtube mashups

-- Sent from my palm Pre

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