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I will not say I don't if God exists. To say God doesn't exist is to say that the word "God" is a word without meaning. It seems rather obvious to me that the word "God" has lots of meaning. The real debate, the only one with true value and meaning, is over the actual meaning of the word. Which of course is impossible but always fun to try.
I also do not know that coincidences are anything more than random events that happen to be in proximity in time and space. I do not know that they are a form of communication, or God or the Universe speaking to me. That is just a metaphor. What I do believe is that these events provide me with powerful opportunites to spot and identify meaning. What is it that makes these events stand out?
I believe meaning is important. I find that meaning provides purpose. And purpose is bliss. To follow your Bliss is to have purpose. God for me is the totality of existence. God for me IS purpose. The lifeforce that gives purpose to all reality. All of "creation" is but that neutral exchange between order and chaos.
This is what I believe. I do not KNOW this to be true, but because I believe it, it is. I have consciously chosen this belief. It makes absolutely no difference whether or not I am "right" or "wrong". The belief itself does make a difference. Because I have purpose, I awake every day grateful to be alive, enthusiastically looking forward to the days challenges. I have fun with evrything I do. I have meaning and purpose in life.
If when I die it turns out that my existence truly is over, well at least I had fun and for at some of the time followed my bliss. If it should be the case thst there is something more than I'm sure I'll still come out ok.
My primary purpose in life is to search for meaning. I do that by being mindful of all the little miracles, the coincidences. The meaning of life is to live joyously and with purpose. My secodary purpose in life is to share my bliss. That's it. It's pretty simple if I allow it to be and don't make it complicated.
I will clarify that when I say that "I believe God speaks to me through coincidence" I am talking about the Jungian concept of synchronicity.
Synchronicity - "A term coined by Carl Jung to denote meaningful coincidence. Events bound by synchronicity are connected by similarity, by meaning, by resonance, rather than by causality. Synchronicity is an acausal connecting principle. Since it goes beyond causation, it goes beyond time and space, and is not limited by such relations."
"Synchronistic events offer us perceptions that may be useful in our psychological and spiritual growth and may reveal to us, through intuitive knowledge, that our lives have meaning." - Jean Shinoda Bolen
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-- Sent from my palm Pre
http://ferenczypre.blogspot.com/ - webOS & Palm
http://ferenczymu.blogspot.com/ - youtube mashups
-- Sent from my palm Pre
I think it is easy to self-fulfill perceived synchronicities by projecting our desires for them, and expectations of their occurances, upon the events in our lives which match the patterns of those things which we desire or expect. This behavior is no different than seeing shadows move when we fear darkness, or mistaking a friendly smile for a lustful one. With this I don't fully reject any concepts of synchronous experiences, but rather, I do simply reject strong or strict adherence to any belief in them as actual phenomena as defined. Where you have used coincidence and synchronicity, I would replace the terms and definitions with the similarly defined, "commonality."
ReplyDeletethanks Daniel. I can agree with what you are saying. But I will stick with the tem "synchronicity" just because for me it carries a deeper significance - it provides me with more "depth" of meaningl and implies (to me at least) something extraordinary. Something extraordinarily uncommon